Growing up, life was confusing.

You were different from the rest. You tried to fit in, but you still felt different somehow. You tried to be just like everyone else, but never felt like yourself.

You focused on school, sports, or other hobbies to distract yourself from the truth. Then one day you could no longer escape from being you.

You felt lonely and scared in a harsh and unforgiving world. You reached out for support and made some friends who shared similar stories. But that uneasiness never went away.


Age has brought some relief.

Sure, you’re happier now than when you were younger . . . but deep down you know you can be even more happy.

Healing from past trauma does not happen overnight . . . nor does it happen alone.

Growing up and living in a world where guys and girls are supposed to act and behave a certain way is very confusing, no matter your sexual or gender identity.

Being who you are, as you are, apparently is not good enough.

How can you stop living up to others’ standards and start living up to your own?

Together we will unravel the hurt and pain caused by your parents, family, “friends,” society, and religion. By confronting these difficult sources of sadness in your past, you can begin to rewrite your future.

Freeing trapped with painful emotions is the road to healing and true happiness.


Forging a new path…

We will identify sources of inner conflict and challenge those strongly held beliefs that are not aligned with your true self. We will visit your core values and beliefs. We will ensure that they are your own–and not someone else’s.

Join me in celebrating your true you–as you are, unfiltered.

Let’s explore those parts of yourself that have been too painful to visit and transform them into sources of strength, wisdom, and courage.

Let’s get started today. Call me at (840) 977-6845 or fill out the contact form for a free 15-minute initial consultation. Don’t delay.